Turnitin is fully integrated into Aula. Turnitin is a suite of online tools that support better writing – from preventing plagiarism and ensuring originality and authorship, to developing critical thinking skills and engaging students with personalised feedback. More help and guides are available from: 


Turnitin tools.

These short videos walk you through the basics of:

  1. Setting up assignment options
  2. Creating, importing and applying rubrics
  3. Using and managing QuickMarks

Videos 2 & 3 streamed from MS Stream account with captions enabled.

assignment set-up-image

Assignment basics (do’s and don’ts)

  • There is no need to hide an assignment, unless you are trying to reduce screen clutter, or hide older assignments in a Space.
  • Tutors can upload an assignment on “behalf” of a student, in case of emergency.
  • Use the export grades to download the CSV file – if combining multiple assignments for uploading to Universe.
  • You cannot use Turnitin for group assignments. Investigate the use of Handin for this purpose.
  • Students can only submit one file per assignment.  They must merge multiple files together – using this guide.
  • Check the current no detriment policy for allowing late submissions without requiring permissions
  • Students cannot see either grades or feedback until the grades release date and time has elapsed.
  • DO NOT edit any assignment settings if a student has already submitted work.
  • DO NOT encourage/allow students to upload large media (video) files via Turnitin.  Instead use a link for a video uploaded their OneDrive account.
  • Consider the use of standard CUG grading rubrics or GradeForms to encourage and enable consistency in grading.
  • Do insist on students sending you their assignment email receipt if any issues arise – in the first instance.
  • Tutors can delete incorrectly uploaded assignments from within the Feedback Studio interface.
  • Assignments cannot be uploaded via the mobile app.
optional settings

Optional Assignment settings:

Check all your optional settings. Make sure these four are set as per the image:

  1. disable submission “any file type” (PDF / Word is recommended) 
  2. Allow  late submissions (to comply with no-detriment policy, etc)
  3. Generate reports immediately (students can resubmit until due date)…..
  4. Allow students to view Similarity reports
All of the above optional settings can be set as default for future assignments. All other settings seen on the screenshot on the left are set as per each department guidance.

Setting up a Turnitin assignment

Staff guide to using Turnitin rubrics, PDF below and more on the Knowledge Base.

CU Group standard Rubrics.

Download all CUG generic (old) APA referencing style  Turnitin grading rubrics; which are pre 21/22 updates.  

Levels 4,5,6:  Turnitin rubrics  > Written_rubrics_22_APA

If you want greater flexibility in grading boundaries, we have created extended APA written set of rubrics as used by the T&H department. Download an APA  extended written rubric here > T_H_L4_written_APA_20

Download, unzip and import to your assignments using the Rubric Manager.

NOTE: As of autumn 2022 there are no Turnitin versions of the new format assignment grading rubrics.  

Known issues

expired class

Expired Class.

A “class” is the entire module (Aula Space).

Any Turnitin assignment set up more than 3-6 months ago will now be expired!  This occurs infrequently in Aula.  To unfreeze an “expired class” do either of the following two:

  1. Edit the assignment settings to move the Feedback Release date into the future.

        2. Any Educator in a Aula Space (module) just needs to create another Turnitin assignment.  This will extend and activate the class once again within Turnitin. 

Then either delete or hide the new temporary assignment.  

Multiple grader groups.

You can use the Aula groups/ group sets function to subdivide (filter) a large cohort of Turnitin assignments into “groups” for markers to grade in batches. Note, you still have to go into each assignment to download the papers within a “group”.